Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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You Are Here Blog Tajlyn's Blog April 9, 2014

I have managed to travel over three time zones with a "supposed to be six string". My guitar only has five strings at the moment. I was expecting to go through a nerve wracking experience having my tiny guitar on a plane for the first time. It actually wasn't that bad.  Sure I was staring at it in the overhead compartment the entire time till the door was shut. Just had to make sure it was safe. No problems there.

Now that I'm on the ground with my six string, the only problem is what about my other instruments? I'm a multi instrumentalist for gosh darn sakes! It gets kinda boring with just one. A minimum of two at all times is what is needed. So I did what I had to to get that second instrument. (Ha, to to) I scavenged for some materials and made the darn thing. With the help of my dad of course.

A didgeridoo, we made a freakin didgeridoo! It was pretty awesome. Not the most environmentally friendly materials, which I do feel bad about (PVC pipe). The next one will be all natural. It works, and I can work on my "buns and beaches" technique, thank you Nathan Kaye! http://www.nathankaye.com/Nathan_Kaye_Official/Welcome.html 

  I really like making instruments. Not the sharpest instrument maker in the shed of instrument makers I know, but hey this is just the beginning. To be able to fly on a plane with just your back pack, get to your destination and make your instrument(s) of choice without going to your nearest music store is badass. You can only take so much luggage anyways. So why not travel, build, then donate when done? That would be Awesome! Who knows how long this mindset of mine will be, but right now I like it. Now I just need to build musical clothing, that would be the ultimate way to get around checking your luggage!

Cheers, Tajlyn

Tajlyn Rockin' It Blog 2.26.14

Photography by Tajlyn

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