Complaints of Fear (3.5.12)
For a while I've noticed that complaining is around us a lot. Nearly every day it's there. It's funny that it doesn't fix the problem one is having issues with. So why complain?
Fear is kind of similar to complaining. Just in the fact that it doesn't do much good for the "problem" that's at hand. Not only do they both cloud your judgement, complaining not as much. They also fill you with unnecessary negativity that affects everyone and everything around you. For instance...
Complaining can be a total downer for the people around you. It's not likely they woke up and wished that the day be full of negative conversations with their friends. Some could if that's what they like, but who knows. While fear can be sensed by just about anyone and anything. Which is very bad in the wilderness of corse. But in the case of the domestic world it can make you vulnerable to stronger forces, so to speak.
At the same time both are quite natural tendencies everyone has. Fear is just instinctual, and complaining is similar to an adult tantrum. Experiencing both is normal, but best in moderation. The urge to complain will show itself from time to time, and fear will always be there when it thinks we need their help. Learning to control those tendencies is a journey all of it's own.
Until next time... - Tajlyn