Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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Forget (3.20.12)

Sometimes there is nothing better than a sunny day and a new thought. It doesn't have to be about anything in particular, just some new decorations that are hung up in that thing we call a brain is all it takes. I find that when I stop thinking about what I was just thinking about, which has been on my mind for awhile, it makes everything feel better. Even if it's not that great, it still feels better than before.

It's similar to taking a mental vacation. Seeing the same thing can be just as boring as thinking the same thing, as well as hearing, or smelling just to be really specific. I'm not a fame of listening to something for too long, or smelling the same aroma that lingers in the air of the place that resembles the one that I was at the day before and so on.

I may be rambling but getting to the point, it's fun to forget those repetitions that occur too often, and just replace them with something else. Just one time though, so then that wouldn't end up becoming the same thing. Or changing things up. I know if I play the same riffs on guitar or the same beat on drums it can get dull. Also very annoying for potential listeners. Forget to repeat, and remember to change.

That in no way means that you can't play a song over again. I try to make subtle changes to avoid going onto autopilot. Anyway, it is just something to try. - Tajlyn

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