Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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Patiently Distributing (3.1.12)

It's been quite a while since I've written one of these, but now is a good time I feel to write another. Blog that is. Right now is an exciting time for me. Not only am I writing a blog, which is always fun, but I am in the process of uploading my album to CD Baby. As thrilled as I am about it, I am building up my patience and multitasking abilities.

Although if done simultaneously they probably would contradict each other. Just a thought. But that is what I am doing as of now. Working on getting my songs from New Element, my album, available to purchase on the internet.

Since they only accept WAV files it takes a really long time to upload. Really long. Actually, I think It just stalled on me. That's quite a bummer. Well, I guess I'll just have to give them a call. Anyway I am looking forward to having New Element available to all of you. In the mean time I have to make that happen!- Tajlyn

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