Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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October 23rd, 2013

Anyone ever been carsick? I never thought I would be, but it's happened numerous times already. My post is in isolation from many "hot spots" that people flock to for entertainment purposes. Which one must go to be entertained. Outside of the house that is.

The road to these places is steep, windy, about 20 mph or less. It's fine for the first part, getting to these places. It's just on the way back home that the word nausea takes on a whole new meaning. For a full fifteen minutes I don't just feel like I'm going to vomit, but I know I'm not. That's rough. Feeling the need to do something so badly but knowing deep down that the possibility is just not there. What gives?

This is a regular basis thing for me. I mean, I have to get out of the house. So I prepare myself for a car ride full of fantastic views, fresh air, lines that the longboard enthusiast would die for, and a stomach that is trying to escape my body. All in good times right.

In any case there's always that one thing you deal with to get to where you want to go. For me it's the extreme nausea that I battle with when I leave the house, as of now. Why do we do these things? Because the end result is fantastic. At least most of the time. Sometimes it's a "why did I go through that" situation. But regardless everything can't be perfectly perfect all of the time. Where's the fun in that? Enjoy the imperfections.

I have nausea! What about you?

Cheers, Tajlyn



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