Tajlyn ~ In The Sand

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You Are Here Blog Tajlyn's Blog May 7, 2014

I feel like living dangerously. I'm typing this on a laptop with very, very low battery life. Let's see how much I can type about!

I find it strange that I really don't know what to type about. Maybe it's the extreme pressure that there is a time limit, what a whimp. No I'm being to hard on myself. But it is strange. Usually I know what to say, just right now I'm really stumped.

I think I am now convinced that if I had to do a monolouge to save those around me I probably couldn't. My apologeze to the group that I'm in if that ever happens.

What does it feel like to be a battery? There are.......Just had to plug it in. So that's how much I can type on low battery life. Not too bad. Surprising actually. You should try this sometime. Tootles.

Cheers, Tajlyn


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